I have taken enough from Comcast's DVR.
Things about Comcast I hate:
- The remote sucks - see my previous post on this
- Why I do have to pay more on top of an already horrendously high price for HDTV and the DVR
- Poor customer service (I have to drive to get a new set top box that doesn't work - bring it to me)
- 5.99$ to watch a movie OnDemand
The things that Comcast offers me that I like:
- HDTV channels
- DVR capability
- Internet access
I don't mind paying for the Internet, but the TV portion has to go. Even if the price was right, the hardware driving the Comcast solution is buggy and laggy. The user experience of the service drives me insane.
The problem: Find another way to keep watching HDTV (on my big gorgeous TV) and come up with a solution for recording shows.
Once I get a solution that works for me (and probably paying hundreds of dollars in the process) I will post it here :) ... The current plan in my head involves a HDTV antennae, my XBox 360, Netflix Watch Instantly, and an over the air TV Tuner input on my PC.
As Michael Scott would say: "So suck it (Comcast)" ...